The Jewish community in Denmark

Chief Rabbi Bent Lexner
Østbanegade 9, DK 2100 Copenhagen Ø.
Tel: (+45) 3929 9520 office hours 9.00 a.m.- 3.00 p.m.

The Administration Office of the Jewish Community
(Det Mosaiske Troessamfund)
6, Ny Kongensgade, DK 1472 Copenhagen K,
Tel: (+45) 3312 8868
Opening hours:
Monday-Thursday: 9.00 a.m. -12.00 a.m
 & 1.00 p.m.-3.30 p.m.
Friday: 9.00 a.m-1.00 p.m

  • The Mikvah is placed in the administration building.
    Please contact Mrs. Hannah Schalimtzek. Tel: (+45) 3324 9683
  • Kosher Restaurant in the Administration Office
    6, Ny Kongensgade, DK 1472 Copenhagen K,
    Tel: (+45) 3393 2793 or (+45) 23 20 38 50
    Open Monday-Thursday 5.00-9.00 p.m.
  • Also Kosher Butcher in the Administration Office

Kosher Delikatesse
Lyngbyvej 87, DK 2 100 Copenhagen Ø
Phone: (+45) 3918 5777 Open Tuesday-Friday.
Can provide you with prepared meals for Shabbat.
Please order it 24 hours in advance.

Chabad in Denmark
Svend Trosts Vej 11, 1912 Frederiksberg C
Phone: 45-3379-3326
Fax: 45-3379-3386
Rabbi Yitzi and Rachel Loewenthal

The Great Synagogue (Orthodox)
T Krystalgade 12, Copenhagen K.
Tel: (+45) 3312 8868 or (+45) 3929 9520
Service hour for Shabbat mornings is 9.00 a.m.
On Weekday morning services are at Monday, Thursday: 6.45 am. Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 7.00 a.m.
Regarding evening services contact: 3312 8868

The Machsike Hadas Synagogue
Ole Suhrsgade 12, DK 1354 Copenbagen K.
Daytime Tel: (+45) 4396 9400
evening Tel: (+45) 3323 3215
Daily Services.
Rabbi: Moshe Yacovson
Mikveh at the Machsike Hadas and at the Community Center

Samson Kosher -  Grocery
Rørholmsgade 3, DK 2100 Copenhagen Ø
Phone: (+45) 3313 0077

Gerschwals Vinimport,
Niels Ebbesens Vej, Frederiksberg